Thursday, August 02, 2012

Rock City Raptors


Our Rock City Raptors  programs continue through Labor Day, September 3rd. Our program schedule is Thursday through Sunday with shows at 11, 1, 3 EDT with an additional show at 4:30 on Saturday.

Fourscore has not been seen in over two weeks now and perhaps he has started his first migration south. At this time last year, a previously released Peregrine named Lookout had made his way to the Mississippi River and spent several weeks there before moving to Louisiana, Texas and across the Gulf of Mexico. We were able to follow his movements via a solar-powered satellite transmitter. Unfortunately, we don't have such a unit on Fourscore and can only hope for the best.

We are booking programs for the Fall and Winter. To schedule either e-mail at or call 706-657-3278. Visit our website at


Dale and John