Thursday, July 07, 2011

Bruce the Peregrine-Day Three

Hello All,

Bruce the Peregrine Falcon continues to do well. This morning, I met Carl Cressler (see photo)from AB Security at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee Visitor's Entrance where he took me to the top of Building#3. Carl had not seen Bruce on an earlier check, but as he opened the door Carl exclaimed, "Well, there he is!" He was sitting on the edge of the building on a security camera (see picture and click on it to enlarge). I had a quail with me to feed him (Bruce, not Carl) so I was able to ninja around the side of one of the mini-buildings that is located on the roof. I was hidden from Bruce's view so I lobbed the quail in his direction and made a hasty retreat. Bruce saw the offering and began bobbing his head like he was saying, "Yes, breakfast!!!" He launched from the security camera and did a circular recon flight which took him to the top of the stair tower (where I lobbed a quail yesterday). I was now out of his view so I quickly ran, grabbed the quail and threw Bruce's meal onto the stair-tower. I then backed off far enough to see a flutter of wings and then I saw Bruce sitting on the edge of the tower with his prize. Carl said, "Looks like our boy's doing well!" Carl's enthusiasm is contagious! He has been very helpful and continues to be an extra set of eyes that will help in Bruce continued success. Thanks Carl! I am meeting Carl tomorrow morning to check on Bruce, so I'll let you know what we find.


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